for the Magical Heritage of the West

Quest quarterly journal contains material on magic, witchcraft and practical occultism, along with personal experiences and reviews.

It has been published continuously four times a year since 1970, and is one of the longest-running regularly-published magazines in Britain.

Date for the 2025 QUEST Conference is Saturday 8 March 2025. Please see the "Conference" page for details.. Please pay by 15 February.

Quest is edited by Marian Green, who also organises the Quest Annual Conference every March, and occasional workshops throughout the year, in the Bristol area of the UK. She is the author of over twenty books, including her best-selling
A Witch Alone.

For a sample copy of Quest (in the UK) please send a cheque for £3.00, payable
to "Quest", to: Quest, 80 Bishopsworth Road, Bristol BS13 7JS, UK.

An annual subscription (four copies published in March, June, September and
December) costs £12 if you live in the UK.

For details of the Annual Conference, the workshops, and Marian's books, please
follow the links at the top of the page.

**NEW POSTAL COURSE LAUNCHED: For details follow "Postal Course" tab at top of page**